My First Blog Post! An Oath.

My first post!

I’ve been waiting for the perfect time to write this. I kept coming up with excuses to delay. Procrastinate. Always finding more important things that needed to be done. Excuses as to why I didn’t really need to do a blog post. In other words, I was scared. I’m still scared. Nervous. Afraid. Eeek.

But today I feel compelled. I go with my gut. I bite the bullet. Here I go…

I didn’t want to blog. Seriously. It’s uncharted territory for me. OMG. A blog?! Me? Nope.

My beloved site developer, Dave McGregor, insisted that I blog. In fact, he pretty much ran with the plan before I really agreed.


It’s a principle I’m starting to apply in my life. I trust that what comes my way is for the greatest good… not only for me, but for all involved. I could not plan and execute, control or force the miraculous things that have stumbled into my path. Life events, pleasant and not-so-pleasant. Uncanny synchronicities. At the time (or even in a week or a year) they didn’t seem to have any meaning… but eventually I realized that they all served an amazing greater purpose and benefited myself and others in the long run.

The synchronicities (and many of the major life events) were never planned by me. Sure, I take steps that enable them to unfold, like I leave the house, go to work, set goals, talk to people, and essentially pay attention. But some force – a whole lot smarter and more powerful than me – knows what’s going on and what’s for my greatest good, otherwise, how could these amazing and unfathomable chain of events be occurring that end up being spectacular?!

It might not be what I want at the time… but it’s exactly what I need.

So fine. I surrender. I am the proud new owner of a blog.

I follow a few inspirational blogs, and I love that each post conveys a tiny seed, a simple idea, a new thought or even just a single word that helps to shift my perspective at that moment… and which creates ripples through my day.

That is my intent with this blog

I commit to using this blog as a platform to share with an intent to inspire and lift people. To shine light into tiny fissures. To help. To shift paradigms. To entertain. To challenge old limiting beliefs that no longer serve well.

I commit to posting with purpose and passion. If I’m not feeling it, I’m not writing it. Simple.

I commit to posting with absolute authenticity. Anything else would be of disservice to myself and others.

And I commit to having fun while doing all the above 😊

That’s all I’ve got for now!

Much Love. Be well.